Xtracta is happy to announce its recent partnership with Integrity1, a leading payroll consultancy in New Zealand that provides complete end-to-end Payroll services.
Integrity1 do all manner of things in the payroll world—from high-level consulting and payroll processing to providing audits, remediation, recruitment, and HRIS implementation.
The partnership came about when a large client of Integrity1’s needed payroll information remediated. The client’s pay, time, and wage data were held on paper via handwritten timesheets with 600,000 timesheets needing to be looked at. Integrity1 wanted an optical character recognition (OCR) solution to complete this.
“Xtracta is something that I have personally used in the past.” James Hutt, Remediation Manager at Integrity1 explained, “I knew they did a great job and so reached out to them.
“Through Xtracta’s OCR tool, we could scan all the timesheets, extracting only relevant pieces of information to complete our task. We have a team of about 16 or 17 people working at our client’s office. Through reviewing the outputs from Xtracta, they could confirm whether the outputs were correct or if they needed work, and then export them to Integrity1.”
The company states that even though the timesheets have extremely poor handwriting quality, Xtracta is about 70-80% accurate, far more accurate than manual processing.
When asked what this partnership meant for Integrity1 moving forward, James replied, “The sky’s the limit. This client—who can’t be named for obvious reasons—is one of the largest employers in their region. We are currently working to acquire about half a dozen other clients within the same industry with similar timesheet problems around New Zealand.
“When we engage with these clients, we now have a proven process in place with Xtracta. This means clients can give us a million timesheets, and we’ll turn them around in just a couple of months: no issues—it’s been proven”.
“Clients always think that no one will be able to extract the information from their hard documents (paper, invoices, etc.). Now, when we say we have a solution and it’s tested, their eyes light up. When considering what this means for future clients, it means that our clients are more likely to come to us because they know we can help them in more ways than one.
“I think it will be quite a valuable partnership. I’m already coming up with other things we can potentially use Xtracta on, both internally at integrity1 and via our clients.”
When asked how working with Xtracta has been, James replied “the internal team has been really helpful and quite available at key times. I think it is because Xtracta operates in an agile environment and can efficiently manage busy sprints of work. When we needed to hit the ground running with our project, it was really useful to know we had key people within Xtracta who could help us quickly. We have been more than impressed; the Xtracta engine has exceeded expectations.”
Likewise, Xtracta couldn’t be happier working with Integrity1, an established expert in their industry. Moving forward, this partnership offers promising opportunities for both companies to build on their work relationship and continue delivering exceptional results to clients.