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Xtracta Admin


How Receipt Capture is Influencing Consumer Behaviour Analysis

How Receipt Capture Technology is Influencing Consumer Behaviour Analysis In today's world, where virtually everything we buy can be tracked, analysed, and turned into actionable insights, the simple shopping receipt is becoming increasingly valuable for market research. Many companies are using receipt capture technology to unlock the secrets of consumer habits and behaviour. Join us as we uncover the impact of this groundbreaking technology on consumer behaviour analysis and how it's reshaping the market research landscape.   What is Receipt Capture? Xtracta's receipt scanner API automatically captures and extracts information from physical receipts. This AI-powered technology supports practically all receipt formats and offers multiple…
Xtracta Admin

Streamlining Expense Management with Xtracta

Streamlining Expense Management with Xtracta Managing employee expenses can be challenging for businesses of all sizes. From lost receipts and manual data entry to complex tax laws and partial deductions, the traditional approach to expense reporting is rife with inefficiencies and the potential for costly errors. As companies face pressures to control costs while enabling productive travel and client engagement, efficient expense management processes have become vital. Sophisticated data extraction technologies like Xtracta have introduced an innovative solution to traditional expense management, helping businesses maintain financial integrity, boost efficiency, and ensure compliance. Discover how Xtracta is transforming expense management through…
Xtracta Admin

Document Data Extraction Automation – Getting Started

Getting Started with Document Data Extraction Automation: A Step-by-Step Guide Is your business considering improving its automation and implementing automated document data extraction? This step-by-step guide will explore everything you need to know about Xtracta's document data extraction automation and data capture solutions, from identifying automation opportunities to system integration and implementation. Discover the process below and start transforming your data handling operations today.   How Does Data Automation Work? Xtracta's document data extraction software is helping businesses save time, money, and valuable resources. Powered by AI, it autonomously extracts and captures data from documents, regardless of whether they are scanned images,…
Xtracta Admin

Top Reasons for Automating Your Accounts Payable

Top Reasons for Automating Your Accounts Payable Managing accounts payable (AP) efficiently is critical for businesses of all sizes and sectors. Whether settling bills with utility providers or handling payments for products in a retail setup, this task can be complex and time-consuming. However, thanks to data extraction software like Xtracta, the days of manual accounting processing are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Xtracta's user-friendly API enables touchless data capture that seamlessly integrates with virtually any accounting or ERP software. This easy-to-use technology allows you to fully optimise your accounts payable workflow, offering multi-faceted benefits for your business. Let's explore…
Xtracta Admin

How to Calculate ROI When Choosing an IDP Solution

How to Calculate ROI When Choosing an IDP Solution Implementing an Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) solution is one of the most compelling investments any business can make. The investment can pay off quickly, often in just a few months. So, how do you determine its potential value to your business?  In this article, we'll explore  how to calculate ROI  when selecting an IDP solution, factoring in crucial variables such as labour costs and location.  Understanding the Basics of IDP ROI Calculation Businesses typically invest in IDP to save time and costs. AI-powered IDP solutions automate manual, repetitive tasks that hinder…
Xtracta Admin

Innovative AI Models – Going Beyond Language

How Xtracta Uses AI Models The evolution of artificial intelligence has impacted businesses worldwide, and Xtracta is at the forefront of this rapidly changing landscape. Our AI models have become invaluable tools for organisations across various sectors. But how do our models differ from the rest?  Join us as we explore Xtracta's AI-powered data extraction software solutions and how they are reshaping industries for a more efficient and productive future.  Xtracta's Multi-Modal-Models: Going Beyond Language The growing popularity of deep-learning based AI language models like ChatGPT has skyrocketed as businesses seek new ways to become more efficient. These models often focus on a single…
Xtracta Admin

Simplifying B2B Operations: How Xtracta is Transforming the Purchase Order Process

Simplifying B2B Operations: How Xtracta is Transforming the Purchase Order Process   Within the B2B realm, exchanging purchase orders is vital in facilitating smooth transactions between buyers and suppliers. Recognising the significance of these processes, Xtracta, a leading provider of  data extraction software, has introduced an innovative service that aims to revolutionise how businesses handle incoming purchase orders from their customers. In this article, we'll delve into the details of Xtracta's purchase order data extraction API and how it can boost operational efficiency.    The Significance of Purchase Orders in the B2B Realm Before delving into the benefits of Xtracta's…
Xtracta Admin
News & Media Releases

Deep Learning Announcement

Deep Learning Announcement As a number of our partners and customers already know, Xtracta has been undertaking research since early 2022 on building new data extraction methodologies using deep learning techniques. Deep learning is a subset of ML (Machine Learning) and the broader AI world. At its core it takes an approach akin to the mimicking of biological brains to perform its activities rather than statistical approaches or heuristics that are common in more traditional Machine Learning techniques. Deep Learning techniques differ from our traditional approaches to learning and extraction and offer an exciting opportunity for our users to see…
Xtracta Admin
News & Media Releases

Introducing E-Invoicing: Streamline Your Document Processing with Xtracta

JTNDbG90dGllLXBsYXllciUyMHNyYyUzRCUyMmh0dHBzJTNBJTJGJTJGbG90dGllLmhvc3QlMkY1NDc1NDQ4My00ZTBiLTRkZjItODg0Ni1mMDFmNjFmOWI0ODYlMkZ6YjBxMGNIaGVuLmpzb24lMjIlMjAlMjBiYWNrZ3JvdW5kJTNEJTIydHJhbnNwYXJlbnQlMjIlMjAlMjBzcGVlZCUzRCUyMjElMjIlMjAlMjBzdHlsZSUzRCUyMndpZHRoJTNBJTIwMTAwJTI1JTNCJTIwaGVpZ2h0JTNBJTIwNDAwcHglMjIlMjAlMjBsb29wJTIwJTIwYXV0b3BsYXklM0UlM0MlMkZsb3R0aWUtcGxheWVyJTNF Introducing E-Invoicing: Streamline Your Document Processing with Xtracta Xtracta is pleased to announce that it is joining the PEPPOL e-invoicing network as an access point provider. As a software or integration partner of Xtracta, this means that you will automatically be able to offer e-invoicing as an option alongside PDF, JPG and other file ingestion as you do today. E-invoicing is being heavily promoted in various countries and while we don't foresee fast adoption, we do want to offer e-invoicing solutions so our software partners can offer these to their clients with minimal effort and cost. While we acknowledge…
Xtracta Admin

Five Key Advantages of IDP Solutions for SMEs

Five Key Advantages of IDP Solutions for SMEs SMEs face numerous challenges in today's competitive business landscape. Time constraints, tight budgets, and limited resources can hinder growth and efficiency. Fortunately, SMEs now have a powerful tool to streamline their operations: Intelligent Document Processing (IDP). Typically powered by AI, IDP automates the extraction of valuable information from various document types. So, how does this help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)? Below, we cover the advantages of IDP solutions for SMEs, exploring how they can use automatic data extraction software to save time, reduce costs, and maximise productivity. 1. Save Valuable Time Time is a valuable resource for…
Xtracta Admin